
Together we are better. Stories, ideas and inspiration for a #betteryou.

Flat Feet Treatment
Flat Feet Treatment
by Anna Heston • April 01, 2021

Feet that seem to have no arches and make contact with the ground at nearly every point across the bottom are known as flat feet. This is often a result of a loss of arch, sometimes called a collapsed arch, which is formed by tension in tendons of the foot, though sometimes it can be a result of anatomical differences at birth.

Neuropathy Treatment
Neuropathy Treatment
by Anna Heston • March 04, 2021

The peripheral nerves send messages from your brain and spinal cord back to your hands and feet. However, when these nerves are damaged, the messages become muddled. A person with neuropathy might feel heat, numbness, or pain when there seems to be nothing there to cause these feelings.

When to Change Your Protalus Insoles
When to Change Your Protalus Insoles
by Anna Heston • August 06, 2020

Like most other things we wear, Protalus insoles need to be replaced once in a while. It might be obvious when it's time to get a new pair of shoes but understanding when to change your insoles can feel a bit trickier.

The Protalus M100 vs the Protalus T100
The Protalus M100 vs the Protalus T100
by Anna Heston • April 22, 2020

We offer several models of insoles but sometimes it can be hard to tell the differences between them just by looking at them online. Today we’re going to take a look at two of our best selling models: the  M100  and the  T100 .