
Together we are better. Stories, ideas and inspiration for a #betteryou.

Cheryl Bolt
Cheryl Bolt
by Adri Sahagun • January 02, 2019

If you are on your feet a lot and suffer from heel, hip, or back pain, then I hope you take the time to read this...


Rachelle Yablin
Rachelle Yablin
by Adri Sahagun • December 27, 2018

have had heel pain and back pain for a year. I wore custom orthotics to no avail. The pain led me to a podiatrist, physical therapist, two orthopedic surgeons, a pain management specialist, a spine specialist...

Cynthia Nagel
Cynthia Nagel
by Adri Sahagun • November 26, 2018

I have been struggling with plantar fasciitis... I saw these inserts in a few places, and I decided it was time to invest in my feet. 

Connie Herriman
Connie Herriman
by Adri Sahagun • October 10, 2018

These are the best insoles I have ever purchased. I have a farm and very active. I've had pain in my feet and back for years...

Carol Schultz
Carol Schultz
by Adri Sahagun • April 03, 2018

I have been suffering from plantar fasciitis for the past 9 months. I had gone to a foot doctor and he gave me a cortisone shot in my heel then sold me inserts for $200.00. I wore them and my foot was so painful...

Phoebe Mortensen
Phoebe Mortensen
by Adri Sahagun • October 26, 2017

I 've had plantar fasciitis for more than a year now but it has gotten worse after I did the Arizona Marathon in  February of this year. I got in the draw for the Chicago Marathon 2017 that just finished a few weeks ago. I thought I wouldn't be able to run the marathon because of the severe pain I was experiencing on both feet. I tried other inserts but none of them worked. On June of this year, my husband bought me the Protalus S, just to give it a try...