
Together we are better. Stories, ideas and inspiration for a #betteryou.

Mike Natale
Mike Natale
by chris meyers • February 22, 2017

I'm an OCR (Obstacle Course Race) athlete who does 1-3 races per week, covering 9-36 miles and 15-100 obstacles, and I wasn't sure how these insoles would factor into my training/competing...

D'Wayne Edwards
D'Wayne Edwards
by chris meyers • February 22, 2017

I have very flat feet and typically all of my shoes hurt my feet. I was introduced to Arch Mobility...

Josh Kidd
Josh Kidd
by chris meyers • February 19, 2017

I highly recommend Arch Mobility insoles as both a health care provider and consumer. While struggling with recurrent foot pain that limits my ability to be active I have tried many different types of orthotics...

James Webb
James Webb
by AJ Brown • August 22, 2016

I saw the Protalus Inserts on here and was skeptical, but after reading some of the reviews, I decided to order a pair. I have suffered from Plantar Facilities for over five years, and since starting a job where I have to be on concrete for over 12 hours a day, the pain is even worse at times. My feet were killing me by the time I got home that I could barely walk. I received the generation 1 inserts almost two months ago, and although I am not 100% pain-free, I am about 75% pain-free. I continue...